“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your
door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's
no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
- J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings
Hello again, readers! My summer has mostly been filled with
work (I did finally find a job) and packing -- but I have finally, finally relocated to my new apartment
in Tallahassee!
I left Michigan a little less than a week ago. I set off at
about 3:30 in the morning last Sunday, my car loaded down with more stuff than
I really thought would fit. (My mom looked at the car as I prepared to leave
and said, "Well, there really wouldn't have been any room for me after
all...") My entire car was filled -- the trunk, the backseat, the passenger
seat, the passenger footwell... But I could still see out my rear windshield
and could check my blind spots! Bonus!
The passenger seat was pretty filled -- definitely no room for anyone but me |
The view out the back of my car |
I drove for about 16 hours on Sunday and made it all the way
through to Perry, GA -- a smallish town south of Atlanta. I had achieved my
goal of getting through Atlanta! Which was just as well -- even on a Sunday
afternoon, the traffic in Atlanta was horrible and I spent the entire time with
both hands grasped to the wheel, knuckles white whispering to myself
"please don't die, please don't die". I do NOT recommend driving
through Atlanta. It was harrowing to say the least.
Monday morning, I got a bit of a late start, but still made
it to Tallahassee around 10:30 am to get my keys to my apartment. Signed all
the papers, collected my keys, drove my car around to the back of the complex,
found a parking spot, headed up to my apartment aaaaannndddd.... no dice. My
keys didn't work. I could just BARELY get them into the lock, and even then I
couldn't get the lock to turn once they were in. I double checked the apartment
number, tried a couple more times, and then resigned myself to going back to
the leasing office. Finally found a key that opened my door so I could get into
the apartment. The manager informed me that I'd be getting new carpet (good,
because the carpet was pretty gross), and he put in a work order for a new
lock. I had just started unloading my car when the maintenance guy showed up to
fix my lock. Then the carpet guys showed up.
On Thursday, I pretty much just passed out all day --
exhaustion from the heat, the running, the unpacking, the organizing caught up
to me. So I spent the day mostly napping -- though I did manage to get my
kitchen all put away.
At this point, I realized that my internet was just not
going to cut it. My modem, sitting out in the open on my kitchen counter, now
no longer surrounded by pots and pans, was still not broadcasting a signal that
reached beyond about a 1ft radius.
On Friday, I did a bunch of running to get some furniture
and then came home to call Comcast about the wifi signal. It's a good thing the
Comcast technical support is so friendly -- I spent over an hour on the phone
with them basically saying "Have you tried turning it off and back on
again?" We tried this 3 separate times. Each time with the same results --
yes, my modem is connected; yes, it is broadcasting a signal; no, the signal
does not reach beyond the kitchen counter. I've got a technician coming out
tomorrow, and he better have a viable solution.
I'll be honest -- even though it took about 3 weeks to set
up my internet connection in France (largely owing to a mistake on the part of
France Telecom), at least once it was connected it was extremely reliable. I
think I had less than a handful of instances where I had trouble connecting,
and those instances very quickly resolved themselves so that I was never
without internet for more than a few minutes. Plus, during those 3 weeks, since
I technically had an SFR account, there was (exceedingly horrible, I admit)
free wifi that I could connect to while waiting to get my personal wifi box set
up. No such thing exists here in the US. At least not in Tallahassee. I am
disappointed, America. I am disappointed.
This morning, I headed off to the Downtown Market which is
about a 15 minute walk from my apartment. Unfortunately, it's mostly arts and
crafts that are being sold, but I was able to pick up some local honey, and
there's a lady to sells goat cheese (which I sampled -- it's delicious), and
there's a couple fruit/veggie stands. Nothing like the markets in France that
I'm used to, but there's a little bit of food to be had -- like the guy who
sells goat and lamb meat. When I get a little bit of extra money, I might order
myself a nice roast from him.
Internet issues aside, I'm absolutely in love with
Tallahassee so far. Yes, it is stupidly hot and humid. Yes, I miss my French
grocery stores (I just want my good veggie soup!) And, of course, I'm pretty
lonely here. I did get to see one of the other grad students last Monday who
was on his way down to Orlando (for Leaky!Con -- I'm so jealous!!), and he
introduced me to this fantastic burger place in town. But since then most of my
human interaction has been at the grocery store or putting in work order requests
at the leasing office. But I think
once orientation and classes start, it'll be a lot better.
I'll be going home in a few days for the weekend, then when
I get back it'll be pretty much time for orientation.
(And also time to get a cat!)
I miss this little furball. |
Until next time, DFTBA!
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