Last week was pretty uneventful--the tram broke down and has yet to be fully recovered, so that led to an interesting time getting to and from school on Friday.
Speaking of Friday--WE WENT TO PARIS THIS WEEKEND!!! I can't lie, you guys, Paris feels like a second home to me. We stepped off the train and it was just incredible. We rented an apartment for two nights for super cheap and it was in a great area. If you are traveling, I definitely recommend checking out for accommodations. And if you are coming to Paris, let me know and I can tell you the apartment we stayed at because it was amazing. Even came with a cat to cuddle and play with. :)
This is Terton. He was so cute! |
SO, the weekend was pretty jam packed, so I'll try to condense it. We arrived Friday afternoon and got settled into the apartment before deciding to head off to the Eiffel Tower where we got tons and tons and tons of pictures. I wasn't really expecting to be as impressed by the sight as I was. I mean, sure, it's beautiful, but I had already been there, seen that. Boy, was I wrong. I almost got choked up just staring at it. When I came to Paris almost 6 years ago exactly, our trip up the Eiffel Tower was the embodiment of her dream; now, it's the embodiment of mine. It's something I feel that I will always be able to share with my mom, and I got a little emotional.
The view from Trocadéro. |
After the Eiffel Tower, we took a cruise on the Seine. It was so absolutely beautiful with everything all lit up at night and, depending on the cruise line you take, you also get a bunch of history and information related to the city and it's architecture. Then it was time to hit up the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs-Élysées. It's something that's pretty cool to see, but if you're not one for shopping, you can probably skip the walk down the Champs-Élysées.
The Arc de Triomphe |
To top the night off, we had dinner at this absolutely charming restaurant in the 13th Arrondissement (near our apartment) called L'Aimant du Sud. The owner was fabulous and ended up giving us almost a full bottle of wine on the house. Plus the food was just to die for. If you're ever looking for a good meal in the 13th, I definitely recommend this restaurant.
Saturday morning, we got up early and went to the CATACOMBES. I've been waiting for this moment for six years. It was incredible. I think we spent about an hour and a half wandering around, and I could've easily spent another hour or two reading all the different inscriptions. The entire experience was equal parts terrifying and awe-inspiring. If you're at all into history, you have to check out the Catacombes.
Surrounded by bones--freaky |
Leaving the Catacombes |
Later we went to Montmartre and Sacre Coeur. It was pretty. The church was pretty magnificent, but the sky was kind of cloudy and overcast, so the view wasn't as great as it really could have been. Then we headed out in search of Moulin Rouge. I was kind of disappointed by it, to be honest. It was okay, but I was much more interested in the two bagpipe bands (plus traditional Scottish dancers) and the marching band that randomly converged in front of the Moulin Rouge.
In front of Sacre Coeur |
Moulin Rouge--smaller than I had envisioned. |
I think we definitely saved the best for last because Sunday, we went to Notre Dame. The church was as magnificent as I remember (dare I say, more beautiful than Sacre Coeur?). I was especially emotional here, too, remembering my grandparents. I lit a candle for all of them and even though I'm not religious, it was still a pretty moving experience (especially after the Scottish dancers the day before that reminded me of my Maut Mah).
In front of Notre Dame |
Then, the pièce de résistance: we climbed the bell tower of Notre Dame (which my youngest host sister thought was called "Monsieur Dame"). This is not for the faint of legs (400 stairs to climb), nor the easily dizzied (winding staircase), but if you can stomach it, and you can make it--DO IT. I think it was easily the most awe-inspiring thing I've ever seen and could easily end up being the highlight of the entire semester. I seriously recommend putting "Climbing to the bell tower of Notre Dame de Paris" on your bucket list. You definitely won't regret it. The view was absolutely incredible, even though it was cloudy at first. But then the sun broke through, and the city just lit up. I just... I can't even. It was awesome.
The Eiffel Tower |
Gargoyles with the Eiffel Tower in the background |
After Notre Dame we got our stuff from the apartment and said "Au Revoir" to the kitty and our beautiful Paris and made our way home. It was seriously a great weekend--and a great big THANK YOU to Stacie for navigating pretty much the entire time.
This also happened. |